Monday, March 2, 2009

Round 2 Chemotherapy - Day 1

We're sitting in the Day Hospital with Isaiah, who's almost halfway through today's round of chemo. He had an EUA at the Eye Center this morning to make sure everything was still normal in his right eye ... everything was good. Please pray that Isaiah doesn't get sick from this round and stays home away from theER. I'll write more tomorrow when we all get home ... my cell phone is not the best blog updater. Here are today's blood lab results ... much higher than last Monday.

Hgb: 9.8
Platlets: 435
WBC: 8.2
ANC: 1796

1 comment:

  1. Hello Damon,

    I tried to find the email link but could not locate it in the profile. I hope it's ok that I am leaving a message in your comment section.

    I'm writing from Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, and I found your blog through google alerts, which keeps me updated on any news about childhood cancer. After reading your blog, I just want to reach out to you and say what a beautiful and brave little man Isaiah is- my heart goes out to him and your family.

    I also wanted to offer our services to you that may be helpful on this journey. We offer several resources for families which I will be happy to provide:

    We send a free treatment journal to all families of childhood cancer to help them stay organized.

    On our website is a Cancer Education Center which covers many issues and concerns related to treatment. The articles are written for 3 different audiences, Parents, Teens and Kids.

    We also have a Travel Program where we provide lodging and transportation accomodations for families needing to travel for treatment at select hospitals:

    If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me:

    Take good care, and I wish you and your family the best.


