Sunday, January 18, 2009

Birth of Sarah Rebecca & Pathology Results: Isaiah Needs Chemotherapy

This past week has been extremely busy and marked with high and low points. Our high point was the birth of our daughter Sarah on Wednesday. The low points were Isaiah's surgery on Monday where his left eye was removed and a phonecall on Friday evening from Dr. Buckley at the Duke Eye Center with the pathology results from the removed eye. The Retinoblastoma exited the eye and spread into the optic nerve, but was not found at the point of the optic nerve where it was cut, closer towards Isaiah's brain. Basically, we don't know if the cancer has spread anywhere else, but because it entered the optic nerve, he'll have to undergo 6 rounds of chemotherapy.

I waited a couple of hours to call Isaiah's Pediatric Oncologist on his cell phone. He informally walked me through the chemotherapy regimen, side effects, and intended outcome. The chemotherapy regimen includes 3 drugs: Carboplatin, Vincristine, and Etoposide. We're waiting for doctors from Duke to call us on Tuesday or Wednesday - they'll probably want to see Isaiah at some poit next week to have a port installed. I'm not sure of the specific details on the port, but I do know that it requires another surgery to have it installed. The port will allow IV fluids, and drugs to be given to Isaiah without having to stick him with a needle every time. Chemotherapy could start as early as Jan 26-27. We'll go back every 4 weeks for this 2 day period for each round of chemo.

Because chemotherapy is designed to kill fast growing cancer cells, other fast growing cells in the body suffer. These include bone marrow suppression (low white blood cells and weakened immune system), hair follicals (hair loss), and gastrointestinal tract (nausea and other wonderful side effects). Isaiah will have to have his blood drawn every week to check white, red, and platlet levels to make sure they are at safe levels.

For me, receiving the news above has been the hardest to deal with. Although enucleation takes an eye, it took the cancer with it - Isaiah has recovered quickly and has adjusted really well to only having one eye. Chemotherapy is a long process that isn't pleasant for anyone, let alone a 2 year child. I'm in dire need of a hair cut, but I've decided to wait till Isaiah's first round of chemo and shave my head with him. Our fight will be a little longer than originally anticipated. Erica and I appreciate everyone's prayers and support.


  1. We are continuing to lift your family up in our prayers.

  2. Damon and Erica-
    You an Isaiah are in our prayers.
    Love Uncle Norman and Aunt Molly and Emily and Amanda

  3. Damon I've told you privately and now I must tell you here that I feel you are an amazing man, a wonderful husband and a fantastic father. You and Erica have such love in your hearts and I love you both. God will carry you through this difficult time and know that your family is loved by everyone you touch. You are all in my prayers and I love you.
